January 31, 2013 – Missoula, Montana
Big Sky Brewing Company has teamed with Brennan’s Wave to help raise money for needed repairs. The Missoula based brewery will donate $1 for every case equivalent of Big Sky Brewing Company Beer sold within its home county starting in February.
Regarding the continued support of the local company, Brennan’s Wave, Board President, Trent Baker said, “Big Sky was a primary partner in raising funds for building the wave, and we’re excited to continue this relationship.”
The charitable beer maker has developed a reputation for giving in Missoula. The brewery gave $99,539.51 in 2012 and is committed to surpassing this mark in 2013. The Missoula based company’s self-hosted concert series raised $25,000 in 2011 and $35,000 in 2012. The continued support for the feature at the heart of downtown Missoula is no surprise. Co-founder Bjorn Nabozney stated: “The brewery’s original concert series generated over $60,000 for the original wave construction, so we feel it’s our role to make sure it’s maintained.” Nabozney continued, “we thought this would be a fun way to give. Missoula has always supported us and we’ve always supported Missoula.”
With the features’ construction occurring in 2006, the Clark Fork River has taken its toll upon the diversion structure. Hydrologist and Board Member, Paul Callahan stated, “any fixed structure in a river will require occasional maintenance. We are pleased that our original installation stood up well through seven runoff events but it now needs some help. We are working with the engineers on the project to help ensure that this round of maintenance stabilizes the structure for many years to come.”
The wave has become an iconic structure for Missoula. Brennan’s Wave has provided various users with a free and healthy recreational amenity and has hosted a number of wonderful events, including the Olympic Trials for the U.S. Freestyle Kayak Team. It has been featured in countless advertisements and articles including a feature in Outside Magazine naming Missoula one of the best river towns in America.
Big Sky Brewing Company’s entire beer line up is available for a matching contribution. The brewery will donate $1 for every case equivalent (in terms of volume) of beer sold within Missoula County. Nabozney stated: “All Big Sky beer sold anywhere within county boundaries, cans, bottles, kegs, and $1 per Moose Drool growler sale in our taproom will receive a matching contribution from us.” Big Sky Beer brands available include Moose Drool, Scape Goat, Trout Slayer, Big Sky IPA, Cowboy Coffee Porter, and a new flavor that will be release the last week February. Nabozney stated: “We’re excited about this latest beer, as it’s a new one for us. We think it will be well received by Missoula and help add to our giving.”
Donations to the Brennan’s Wave repair can be mailed to c/o Trent Baker, 201 W. Main, Ste. 201, Missoula, MT 59802; made in person at any First Interstate Bank location or online at http://www.facebook.com/BrennansWave. Baker stated: “Brennan’s wave has become a big part of the Missoula community and now we need Missoula’s support to make sure its repaired for the upcoming summer.”